Macintosh® System Software Version 7.0, the new Macintosh standard for personal computing, brings dynamic new capabilities and greater ease of operation to everyone who uses an Apple® Macintosh personal computer. System 7 offers immediate advantages to users of any Macintosh with 2 megabytes of memory and a hard disk drive, and it paves the way for a new generation of powerful application software. You’ll find that System 7 builds on the basic capabilities that distinguish the Macintosh from other personal computers. System 7 strengthens the computer’s familiar, commonsense way of working that gives you direct, intuitive access to the computer’s resources.
Because many of System 7’s new features work with current Macintosh applications, you can take advantage of them right away. TrueType™ fonts, for example, give you sharp-looking text in all your current applications--on screen and on your printer. A new version of the Finder™ gives you easier and faster access to your folders and documents. Multitasking, now standard to the Macintosh experience, allows you to work with several programs at the same time and even continue working while the computer performs other tasks. And System 7’s virtual memory capability allows you to open more applications simultaneously without having to buy additional RAM.
System 7 also provides easier net-work access with built-in Macintosh file sharing. You can easily share files and folders with other Macintosh users on the same network without having to dedicate a Macintosh for use as a file server. And the innovative Balloon Help™ feature makes it easy to learn as you work; you can interactively find out about Macintosh features simply by pointing at something on the screen. And since developers are building Balloon Help into new versions of their Macintosh applications, you can easily learn about and take better advantage of your software.
New versions of Macintosh applications will allow you to take advantage of other new System 7 capabilities such as Publish and Subscribe and Data Access. Publish and Subscribe helps you keep information up-to-date by providing an automatic link between documents--between a spreadsheet and a report, for example. Changes in one document are automatically reflected in the other, even over a network. And Data Access provides better access to remote host databases.
Macintosh users can easily upgrade to System 7, retaining their investment in both their applications and their Macintosh expertise. Upgrade kits are available for both individuals and groups of Macintosh users, and each upgrade kit includes toll-free phone support. Other support programs are also available.